2022 European Software testing Awards


I recently had the opportunity to be a judge for the European Software Testing Awards. I know what you’re thinking. It’s probably the same as Mahatma Gandhi: “Imperfect men have no right to judge other imperfect men”, and you’d be right (I’m also sure he meant “people”). But in this instance, I reckon we can…


Let’s Talk Dirty…Productivity

I recently gave a talk at the Enterprise IT Strategy Forum about maximising software development productivity. As shown in the photo below, despite reading through my slides numerous times, I clearly forgot to proof read the opening one…oops! Typos aside, it was all good fun and led to many interesting conversations and connections afterwards. If…

What is Digital? Customer-led and data-driven automation to create new value.

What is Digital?

Over the last decade or so, there are few words used more regularly and more vaguely to mean more things across the business World as “Digital”. It means everything and nothing, has justified enormous programs of work and changed the shape and behaviour of organisations of all sizes. You can add it to pretty much…